A big day

How did the little guy celebrate being on this earth for 19 months?  By taking off his pants and feeding himself some yogurt from a spoon all by himself.  No, he didn’t do these things at the same time.  That would just be strange.  The pants thing is a little worrying, since I understand the next thing he’ll strip off will be his diaper, but feeding himself with a spoon is huge.  Sure, lots of kids do this by the time they’re a year old or a little older, but this apparently falls into the fine motor skills area, where we have a bit of a delay.  Have to say that I’m a little sad that he’s learned that the primary use of a spoon is not just to be a weapon.

6 responses to “A big day

  1. Don’t be sad about the spoon – well, you can, but really it takes forever to do it well anyway, so you have lots of time to clean up the mess and then LOVE the successful use of the spoon!

    Happy 19 months Oscar!

  2. Sally

    Hello, I enjoy reading your blog. You are high on my admiration from afar list. I adopted beautiful twin baby girls who are 3 years old now. I am married and I work part-time and I think this parenting gig is tough to juggle, but completely beautiful and worth every moment. We are actually considering adopting again. We thought about Nepal for a while (which is when I found your blog), but we are back to considering a U.S. adoption. It is such a long process, and certainly discouraging at times. I am not sure how else to contact you, but I am hoping to have the password so I can read your protected posts. let me know if I can tell you anything else about our journey, so you can feel comfortable that I am just seeking out like minded people on a similar path. And by the way your photos are amazing.

  3. Kelley

    Katie still can’t get her pants off yet. It will be interesting this weekend (read my blog to see what is up).

  4. Amy

    Well, go Oscar! Happy 19 months : )

  5. Vanessa

    Hi Michelle, I’ve been a long-time reader/lurker, and I can’t remember if I’ve forgotten the password to your protected posts, or if I never had it, but if you’d be willing to share it (again?) I’d love to be able to read them. You can email me at vhedrick@wsgc.com (maybe I’m blind, but I couldn’t find a link to email you directly…that’s why I’m asking you via comment:)


  6. Vanessa

    So I’m a twit…I don’t know why I put my email address right there in the comment. *sigh* If you’re able to edit/delete comments, could you edit it out or delete my comment? Thanks:)

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2011 Resos

I will NOT:
- Sneak a peek at a waiting child list
- Adopt another child
- Give up Diet Coke
- Reschedule my children’s readoption because of work
- Cancel our trip to Disneyland because of work
- Work all night
- Eat all of the chocolate chip cookie dough I’ve prepared for Oscar and Etta
- Be anyone’s bitch

Etta’s Hats