My one-woman economic stimulus plan

Since clamping down at Christmas on my spending, I’ve gotten into a pretty good groove where I don’t really think much about shopping anymore.  I haven’t bought an article of clothing for myself since September of last year (I don’t know whether that’s a good thing or just kind of pathetic), and I have become a marvel of shopping the sales at Baby G*p and JCr*w for Oscar, although aside from the after-holiday sales, I wasn’t buying for him either.  Ladies, things have changed.

It started innocently enough.  A quick trip to Baby G*p that resulted in my walking out with Oscar’s entire wardrobe for Hawaii taken care off – it’s a short trip, so he needed very few clothes, all of which I got on sale, but I wasn’t thrilled with my behavior.  Then, a few days later, I lapsed again.  This time in a kind of bigger way.  I bought a car.  I sort of had to – my car was leased, the lease was up and I didn’t want to buy it, given the fact that the brakes had failed twice – way to go V*lvo.   But I guess I could have been a bit thriftier.  This is what I bought, with a few kind of pricey upgrades . . .


As a result of this expenditure, I had to buy a new stroller, since my current one is too big for my car, which is ridiculously small for a woman with a child.  Whatever, it’s super cute, and at least for the time being, it’s just the two of us, so there.  Anyway, I bought the stroller, which, thankfully, was significantly discounted from the price I almost paid for it last year.  So, I’ve got that going for me.  I would post a photo of it, but, as you know, Oscar broke my camera.  And this leads me to my next purchase.  My new Sony Alpha DSLR.  Egads, but in for a penny, in for a pound, as they say.

I wish I could say that the madness ends here, but in fact, I still need to book our condo in Hawaii (BTW, thank you to everyone who chimed in on that – we’re definitely going the condo route – way too scared to have Oscar next to the water just yet).  After that, I’m done. Well, once I get my sunscreen.  Oh, and my pedicure.  Hmm, well, you see how this has spiraled out of control.  

Anyway, there is an upside in all this.  First, I had been terrified that I wouldn’t be able to buy a new car – all of those news reports of extremely tight credit markets with people not able to qualify for car loans really freaked me out.  That was definitely a waste of energy (on a number of levels).  I got a better rate on this car than my last (one of those “teaser” rates that I just assumed I wouldn’t get), so I took that as a sign that there actually is credit available out there.  Second, there seems to be a consensus in the thought that we need to start spending again.  I can attest to having done my part.  Let’s see if my stimulus plan actually bumps the consumer confidence number this month. 

My Mother’s Day Gift

Oscar is such a great shopper – and I just love how he enjoys finding treasures on Etsy.  What a clever child.  My Mother’s Day gift from him arrived last night, and I really like it (although I don’t love it since the stamp with his name and our G&R date is kind of faint).  I do love the design and the copper, though, and when I replace the chain I think I’ll like it much more.

obviously, this is not my necklace, but a photo from the designer’s site. . .


What I do love is this pendant from another designer on Etsy.  It’s the Vietnamese word for Mother, and I love the color of the glass (which is far clearer and more vivid than the photo).


I’m such a winner

How cool is this?  Tracy, whose blog I love (and not only because she’s brave enough to admit to the world that she loves her minivan) gave me the Lemonade Award, which is so incredibly sweet of her!   “You have been nominated for your Great Attitude and/or Sincere Gratitude you have shown through your adoption journey!”


I’ve been delinquent in responding to the award because there are rules involved and I have a bit of a dilemma.  Here are the rules…

1. Put the logo on your blog or post.

2. Nominate at least 10 blogs that show attitude and/or gratitude.

3. Be sure to link to your nominees within your post.

4. Let them know they have received this award by commenting on a post.

5. Nominate your favorites and link to this blog.

See, I have a large number of nominees, but sadly many of them have already been nominated.  Additionally, the people I would dearly love to nominate and link to have password-protected blogs, so I cannot share them with you (you know who you are).  So, I’m still debating who I’m going to nominate, but I wanted to let Tracy know how much I appreciated her thinking of me!

My little manipulator

Grandma and grandpa arrived here Saturday and Oscar has been hamming it up since about 15 minutes after their arrival.  Aside from “talking,” he has been showing off his ability to sign.  He has about 20 words in his signing vocabulary, and pretty much every single one of them has worked its way into his conversations.  The transformation is amazing. 

Nanny Norma and I were talking last week about how frustrating it was that we knew he knew the signs to certain words, but he refused to use them.  Not anymore.  Now he’s signing up a storm.  This might be because he seems to realize that he’ll actually get what he’s signing now.  It used to be the case that he would sign cookie or cracker at T@rget on the weekend, but obviously I didn’t hand over the goods.  Now?  He signs cookie and grandma says, “ooh, he’s signing cookie.  do you want a cookie, Oscar?  oh, here’s a cookie for you,” with grandpa standing next to them beaming and saying “that boy is smart as a whip.”  People, you’ve been played.  Actually, they know they’ve been played, and they remark on how smart he is to know how to manipulate them.  It is good to be the only grandson.


He kissed me.

Almost 14 months to the day that we became a family, Oscar kissed me not just once, but three times.  He even knew he was doing something special, as he kept looking at me kind of funnily while he was doing it.  A momentous moment.


How do I love thee?

I just watched this without hurling, and more importantly, without checking my blackberry once, this morning.  My love for this child knows no bounds.

barneyI’m minimizing the photo for your benefit.  No reason we all have to suffer.

2011 Resos

I will NOT:
- Sneak a peek at a waiting child list
- Adopt another child
- Give up Diet Coke
- Reschedule my children’s readoption because of work
- Cancel our trip to Disneyland because of work
- Work all night
- Eat all of the chocolate chip cookie dough I’ve prepared for Oscar and Etta
- Be anyone’s bitch

Etta’s Hats